domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016


Wow... Honestly it is difficult to realize that one more year has passed, faster than I could have imagined... But it's not a normal year as it is the last one. I can't believe such a huge stage of my life is about to end. I still remember my first day of first of ESO like it was yesterday and that's it, in just a few days it will be the last one of these 6 years of hard learning but also fun and knowledge of myself.

I consider that I have learned a lot English and my language is so much better than it used to be 6 years ago. When we started 4th of ESO I started this blog and looking to my older posts is when I realize all the knowling I have acquired. And I personally think it is a lot.

My first post in 4th of ESO was "My dreams", a simple speech in which I wasn't very confident on my language and the simplicity of the vocabulary actually surprises me a lot. I used very simple and short sentences because I was scared of showing my language weakness. Therefore, right now, even if I also make a lot of mistakes I'm more confident and I think I'm more fluid. My last post is about racism and in it I express myself in such a diferent way in comparison of the way that I used to express my thoughts before. I have improved considerably my vocabulary and I think the increasment of maturity is also very clear as my topics are much more complicated.

In my first oral presentation in 1st of Batxillerat I was very insecure and because of that fear of talking english in public my speech was dotted of a lot of erros but now, even if I still have a litte part of this fear I feel that I'm becoming everyday more and more fluid and I'm actually very happy with that, because learning english has always been one of my biggest dreams.

Well, it is clear that I have changed a lot in all these years and my English also has considerably evolutionated. I'm happy to have been able to leave all these toughts in my English blog because thanks to this, when I'll grow up I will be able to look to the past and see how I have changed.

I'm happy to have shared this years with you, teachers, a year with each one of you, with whom I have learned a lot and started becoming an adult.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016


Racism has always existed and it has always been a scourge that has influenced our world and the relationship between diferent cultures and societies. 
Racism is characterized by prejudicestereotyping, and discrimination against what is different of you and your ethnicity. Racism is also influenced by the existence of an idea that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior.
Racism has always been the source of a lot of conflicts and it has always been a significant issue for governments to control as it is dangerous for society and because hatred that can come off of this conflict can influence the behavior of many people and cause actions that could lead to global catastrophes such as the Holocaust , a desastrous example that killed milions of people during the Second World War, and everything because of conflicts between opposed ethnicities. 
I personally think that racism is a tragedy and that us, humans, we should accept and love among ourselves such as we are, and not hating the differences that we might have.
Perhaps the fear and apprehension plays a fundamental role in the emergence of racism, but we shouldn't be carried away by fear and we should learn to know, reconcile and complement our differences, since after all each person is different and we are all different from each other, even people who are part of the same ethical group.
To finish I think sadly racism is a difficult problem to solve and that unfortunately always be present in some societies that have more difficulty to accept the differences of others, but I think we can all fight although it costs, and be united against this issue to not let it grow.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Rolling Stones tell Trump to stop using their music

Trump at a rally at The Palladium in Carmel, IndianaThe news tells that the british band The Rolling Stones have told Donald Trump to stop using their music for his polytical campaign as he doesn't have the permission to use it. The band have issued a statement saying they haven't given permission to anyone to use their music and that Trump is asked to immediately cease unsing it. 

The band are not the first ones to protest agains the republican front-runner as a lot of other artists have also transmitted complains. For example, in February, Adele issued a statement distancing herself from Trump, after he had been playing Adele's hit Rolling In The Deep as his "warm-up" music at his rallies.