jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014


Everyday I wake up at 7:30 pm. I'm in high school, in IES Castelló d'Empúries and I'm doing 1st of Batxillerat. I don't like too much going to school but well, I have to, it's a part of life. Then, when I arrive at home at 2:30 pm I get some relax. I watch tv or series that I like, and I usually watch "Mujeres y hombres y viceversa", a spanish reality. If I have homework I do them and if I have exams I study. Sometimes I go to Castelló d'Empúries and I hang out with my friends. My weeks are kind of boring, going to school and studying, but then at weekend I always have fun and I almost always party with my friends.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014


I watch a lot of movies in my free time because I love them and they relax me so much. I love watching them in english because it's easier to identify to the characters because you hear their true voices.
My favourite tipe of movies are the psychological thrillers, because stories are often very interesting and you are all the movie thinking about what will happen and the ending of those movies usually suprises you.

One of my favourite psychological thriller is Panic Room, a movie released in 2001 that stars Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart. I've watched it so many times and I continue being so hipnotized by the movie everytime I watch it.

The film is directed by David Fincher who has also directed a lot of thrillers that I also love, like Zodiac in 2007 or more recentrly Gone Girl this year, wich has been a success.


McConaughey Would Make Interstellar Sequel


The film had widely expected to be a standalone release from director Christopher Nolan, but no, the direction of the film is already thinking about a sequel of the movie.
The news explains us that Matthew McConaughey wouldn't refused to be part of the sequel of the coming new movie of Cristopher Nolan, Interstellar, wich he has enjoyed shooting so much because he says that the movie is the most exciting project he has take part of.
The movie also stars Anne Hathaway wich has said that she would accept to shoot any movie that Nolan will propose her, cause he's really good at his job and as human being he's incredible. She had already shooted movies with Nolan, like The Night Rises in wich she had an important role.


Sequel: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles-espanol/sequel
Widely: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles-espanol/wide?q=widely
Standalone: http://www.wordreference.com/es/translation.asp?tranword=standalone


I've chosen this piece of news because I like the subject; the industry of the cinema interests me so much. And I think it's interesting to discover what's going behind the movie that you can see in the cinema's screen.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014


I watch a lot of series in english with subtitles. I love series, I actually prefer them to the movies.
My favourite show of all times is definitly Desperate Housewives, I've been watching it since I was 7 years old, when they just started to launch it. In 2012, the show ended. I was very very sad, because I was used to watch the show, and when it ended I felt like something was missing in me.
Since then, I have started a lot of shows wich I also love. I watch Revenge, Shameless, Pretty Little Liars, and some more, but them are my favourite.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014


Hi! My name is Vincent and I'm 16 years. I'm from France but I live in Empuriabrava since I'm three.
I study at the IES Castelló d'Empúries and I'm in second of Batxillerat.
I love going with my friends everywhere, It's funny being with them.
I have a lot of interests, I like fashion, cinema, music...
I actually love to talk in English, because it's a language that passionates me.
I've mostly learnt English watching series and movies in VO with my computer, cause I think that in VO you can see the original voices of the cast, and it's more realistic.
Another thing that I love are series. I'm passionated and I watch a lot of them since I'm a kid. The one that is kind of my favourite is Desperate Housewives, I started watching it when I was 7 years old. I also watch Revenge, Shameless, Homeland, Pretty Little Liars...
Well, I think that now you know me a little bit better,

See you soon!!!! Xoxo