martes, 9 de febrero de 2016


In my pont of view, alcohol is like a rite of passage in our society because there's always a moment in which you feel like you are meant to try it if you want to evolve in your social life. Alcohol has became an habit in young people as it has been transformed in a "cool" act.
As I'm young, I see people's actions and I've arrived to the conclusion that acohol is sometimes a little bit taboo because people never say what they really think about it, as nowadays you can sometimes be considered a "freak" if in a young party you're not drunk or high, but that's another subject.
Resultado de imagen de alcohol youthMore and more young people is getting use to drink at parties and not only, and it seems that nothing can make them change their mind as they sometimes think alcohol is not harmful until the day they have an accident related to it, like for example the more and more recurring ethylic commas.
I don't think drinking is a bad thing, I just consider that the excess of this substance is not a right habit to be converted to, as the consume of it is being normalized and it's starting from youth to not be seen as a dangerous practice but as a totatally trivial thing that you have to do if you want to get fun at parties.

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