domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016


Wow... Honestly it is difficult to realize that one more year has passed, faster than I could have imagined... But it's not a normal year as it is the last one. I can't believe such a huge stage of my life is about to end. I still remember my first day of first of ESO like it was yesterday and that's it, in just a few days it will be the last one of these 6 years of hard learning but also fun and knowledge of myself.

I consider that I have learned a lot English and my language is so much better than it used to be 6 years ago. When we started 4th of ESO I started this blog and looking to my older posts is when I realize all the knowling I have acquired. And I personally think it is a lot.

My first post in 4th of ESO was "My dreams", a simple speech in which I wasn't very confident on my language and the simplicity of the vocabulary actually surprises me a lot. I used very simple and short sentences because I was scared of showing my language weakness. Therefore, right now, even if I also make a lot of mistakes I'm more confident and I think I'm more fluid. My last post is about racism and in it I express myself in such a diferent way in comparison of the way that I used to express my thoughts before. I have improved considerably my vocabulary and I think the increasment of maturity is also very clear as my topics are much more complicated.

In my first oral presentation in 1st of Batxillerat I was very insecure and because of that fear of talking english in public my speech was dotted of a lot of erros but now, even if I still have a litte part of this fear I feel that I'm becoming everyday more and more fluid and I'm actually very happy with that, because learning english has always been one of my biggest dreams.

Well, it is clear that I have changed a lot in all these years and my English also has considerably evolutionated. I'm happy to have been able to leave all these toughts in my English blog because thanks to this, when I'll grow up I will be able to look to the past and see how I have changed.

I'm happy to have shared this years with you, teachers, a year with each one of you, with whom I have learned a lot and started becoming an adult.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016


Racism has always existed and it has always been a scourge that has influenced our world and the relationship between diferent cultures and societies. 
Racism is characterized by prejudicestereotyping, and discrimination against what is different of you and your ethnicity. Racism is also influenced by the existence of an idea that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior.
Racism has always been the source of a lot of conflicts and it has always been a significant issue for governments to control as it is dangerous for society and because hatred that can come off of this conflict can influence the behavior of many people and cause actions that could lead to global catastrophes such as the Holocaust , a desastrous example that killed milions of people during the Second World War, and everything because of conflicts between opposed ethnicities. 
I personally think that racism is a tragedy and that us, humans, we should accept and love among ourselves such as we are, and not hating the differences that we might have.
Perhaps the fear and apprehension plays a fundamental role in the emergence of racism, but we shouldn't be carried away by fear and we should learn to know, reconcile and complement our differences, since after all each person is different and we are all different from each other, even people who are part of the same ethical group.
To finish I think sadly racism is a difficult problem to solve and that unfortunately always be present in some societies that have more difficulty to accept the differences of others, but I think we can all fight although it costs, and be united against this issue to not let it grow.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Rolling Stones tell Trump to stop using their music

Trump at a rally at The Palladium in Carmel, IndianaThe news tells that the british band The Rolling Stones have told Donald Trump to stop using their music for his polytical campaign as he doesn't have the permission to use it. The band have issued a statement saying they haven't given permission to anyone to use their music and that Trump is asked to immediately cease unsing it. 

The band are not the first ones to protest agains the republican front-runner as a lot of other artists have also transmitted complains. For example, in February, Adele issued a statement distancing herself from Trump, after he had been playing Adele's hit Rolling In The Deep as his "warm-up" music at his rallies.

martes, 26 de abril de 2016

Human Rights

Resultado de imagen de freedom of tortureHuman rights are moral principles or norms, which describe certain standards of human behavior, and are regularly protected as legal rights international law. They are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being," and which are "inherent in all human beings" regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status. These rights are universal as they are applicable everywhere and at any time. 
Many of the basic ideas that animated the human rights movement were developed in the aftermath of the Second World War and the atrocities of The Holocaust, culminating in the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. There are currently 30 basic human rights. 

Personnaly a Human Right that I'm interested with is the "Freedom from Torture" as I think it is not respected as in a lot of subdeveloped countries torture is banalized and a lot of people is being tortured without any control or prevention from governements as they are sometimes interested in closing their eyes and leaving aside these issues to not get into trouble.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Spain: Abortion Bill Endangers Girls

The spanish "Popular Party" is supposed to withdraw that would force girls of 16-17 years old to get the consent od their parents to finish a pregnancy. The bill is currently being examinated at the spain congress.
The rights groups said the draft legislation poses a serious threat to the health and sexual and reproductive rights of girls and creates unjustified barriers to safe and legal abortion. International human rights law recognizes that access to safe and legal abortions is fundamental to women and girls’ exercise of their human rights, including the rights to life, freedom from discrimination, equality, health, and privacy.
Current Spanish law requires 16 and 17-year-olds to inform their legal representatives, but does not require the consent of those representatives. The current law removes even the notification requirement when there is the possibility notification could provoke a serious conflict or family violence, threats, coercion, abuse, or abandonment.

Personally I think that in most of the cases women should be able to decide themselves if they wanna keep a baby or not, before of keeping it and be a bad mother leaving aside your child.

martes, 12 de abril de 2016


The fact of reading is known for its benefits and for its relevance when it comes to develop a clear and healthy mind. Reading at a young age is really advisable because of all the good aspects that it can apport to a young person, such as the development of an important and smart vocabulary, a facility of speech and an important general knlowledge that sometimes people who haven't had read in their lifes don't have.
In my personal case, my parents have alwys told me that reading is very important and since I was a child I have always read a lot. When I was like 10-11 yeard old I really discovered the reading and my major hobby at that time was reading, as I read a lot and a lot of different types of literature.
Unfortunately, in the past years I have significantly reduced my consumption of books and I don't read as much as I used to. I do read sometimes but not as I much as I would like to, and I really hope that I will recover this healthy habit very soon.
I think that reading, leaving aside the good aspects that it has in our health, is also an actual way to escape of our day to day to live in some way new experiences and discover a lot of new things, as a book is really a huge box of surprises and you never know what you can find inside one. Therefore, I consider that in some cases a book is really able to change your life and your way to see life, so that's why reading is so important, because it can apport you things that you would never imagined.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2016


Vegetarianism, the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat, is growing more and more everyday and it is acquiring a lot of new followers. Even though this practice often receives a lot of criticism, mostly because some people think the consumption of meat is necessary for the healthy development of the body, especially at younger ages, it is evolving positively and our society is starting to accept it as a normal thing and not as a weird habit anymore.
Soy-whey-protein-diet.jpgPersonally I totally support the cause of having to stop eating meat mostly because of the treatment that animals receive in their lifes to then be killed. They live in inhuman situations, just because this business is just looking to win more and more money, leaving aside the animals and what they might be feeling.
Currently I am still eating meat but not as more as I used to. I avoid the most as I can eating red meat and also chicken, but if I have to eat some I do it. I really think that one day I'll finish by being a vegetarian because everyday I feel more and more disgusted by meat and I think it is not going to stop and I'll have to put and end to my consumption of meat. Even though, I totally respect people that loves eating meat as this is their decision and I don't have anything to say about that because everyone is free to eat what they want, but I do think that they should be more carefull when it comes to buy it, because there are producers that sell meat which have been well developed in a healthy way but producers that unlike this raise animals without having any consideration for their health and using horrible methods to make them grow as quick as they can.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Education is the key, School is the lock by @sulibreaks

While we were listening in class the Sulibreaks video about education, a sentence particularly draw mi attention:

If your answer is something outside the books, the automatic response is a cross, so does school really expands your horizons?

I think this sentence is very clever as it is true that very often in school you have to learn automatics things and you have to have a predeterminated state of mind to answer correctly some questions in some subjects.
In my opinion I think that school doesn't really expand your horizon as a lot of things are not teached and you get typecast in a section of knowledge that maybe do not match what you want to do in your future. I also think that when you are in school or High School there are a lot of judgments and stereotypes with what students want to do in their future, as sometimes teachers expects and want you to develop yourselves into typical works and sometimes you don't feel free to say what you really want to do because some people wouldn't consider it as a normal job.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016


I just turned eighteen a few days ago, and since then a fear has appeared in my mind: do time pass too fast and am I really enjoying every moment like I have to?
I'm starting to realize time is relative and that the more you live, the more you think time passes really fast, at least in my case. I start remembering my childhood and sometimes I'm surprised because it's actually difficult to remember some things that I know I lived, and above all sometimes I don't remember thing that just happened eigh or ten years ago, so I'm arriving to a conclusion: when I'll be like 40 or 50, will I remember this moment, sitting at my desk, writing this post after a fun weekend enjoyed with my friends, I really won't remember all the fantastic moments I'm going through in this years?
That's the main reason why I'm scared, I'm afraid because I'm scared I won't remember well the people that nowadays is one of the best aspects of my life: my friends. I spend so much time with them, we share so much, laughs, tears, happiness, sadness, and maybe in a few years I'll just remember their names, their faces and little more. Maybe people will think this is silly, but it's a question that matters to me, because I'd truly want to be able to remember ALL of the moments that produce me a smile, because after all this is the more important thing for me in life, to be Happy and to be able to revive and to remember all the important moments of my life, the ones that have made me happy.

Bahamas hacker who targeted celebrities had more victims than originally estimated

A bahamian man has been accused of hacking into personal accounts of aproximately 130 stars, and this Friday a prosecutor said they might be more than what was originally thought.
Investigators said Alonzo Knowles bragged to them that he got access to the private email accounts of celebrities by hacking first into the accounts of their friends.Assistant U. S. Attorney Kristy Greenberg said in federal court in Manhattan that an initial review of "voluminous" material in Alonzo Knowles' email accounts, drop boxes and phone records show the possibility of more victims and more crimes like the unauthorized use of credit card information.
She also said prosecutors are thinking about filing him with additional charges and that they are talking with his lawyer to get a deal.
The man was lured when an undercover FBI agent asked him to get for 80.000$ 15 stolen movies and tv scripts and the social security of three athletes and an actress.
None of the victims have been identified officially and no names were disclosed Friday, but sources have told the Daily News that Knowles stole scripts to the hit Starz show “Power” by hacking into the email of one of the stars of the show.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016


I'm in my last year of High School and certainly the most decisive of all, as I now have to choose what I want to do in my future, and for me it's not being an easy decision because a lot of diferent things come to my mind and they kind of not let my mind be clear. 
First of all, if I have to get into a degree (I actually don't feel obligated to only go to college) I would choose a journalism one because it has always been a world that has seemed interesting to me. I think maybe I could be a good journalist as I'm a person who is always interested about a lot of diferent things and I'm very very very curious, I always want to know everything.
But even if it would be an acceptable choice for me, I have a lot of doubts as I'm not sure if that's really what I want to do in my future, as I often have my head in the clouds and I use to dream and to fantasize about bigger jobs who would propulse me in a dream life that I've actually always wanted, since I was a child I have always dreamt big. I know it's not a good thing because I'm afraid because of that I'll never be satisfied of anything in my future, but I have to work on that and I'm sure I will get through this state of mind and I will definitly find my definitive way, the one which is meant for me.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016


Everyone knows or has heard at least once in his life about the Inditex group, and I used to be one of these people that always shopped in their stores without asking myself the good questions, so that's the main reason that has motivated me to make a research of the company, to investigate the main aspects of the succes of the groups. Succes of Inditex is lead by a single person, Amancio Ortega, whose strenght at work has allowed him to head one of the most important multinational of the enitre world. Even if the group is nowadays intouchable in "pret-a-porter", they are being scrupulously observed by other groups, as Inditex has definitly become THE exemple to follow as he has considerably modificated a lot of aspects of current society.
Resultado de imagen de inditex



I actually don't want to get too much into politics because it's a not a subject which interests me as I rarely talk about it. However it's true that since a few weeks I've started caring about a man who has been into all the polemics and whose name is in everyone's mouths, Donald Trump.
Resultado de imagen de donald trumpDonald Trump is a billionaire business mas who is running for the American presidentials elections of 2016 representing the republicans. First of all, I want to say I don't know by heart all of his ideas and I totally ignore a huge part of what he has said in the last weeks, but I do know some facts in which he has lended interrest.
Personally, Donald Trump is not the type of character I like as his ideas doesn't match at all with my thinking ways. The racism that impregns him disgusts me at all points because I think we live in a society where we all should respect each other without separating people into classes. I also think that his policy wouldn't be productive in the life of the country as his ideas actually reminds me sometimes of kinds of fascist thought. I'm not saying he would be as bad as them, but it's true that sometimes I just feel that the man who I see talking on tv can make me feel like he could be one of this persons.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

Kesha sobs as judge refuses to cancel contract with producer Dr. Luke who allegedly raped her in 2006

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpiKesha, the famous singer mostly known for her hit "Tik Tok" has sued her producer because according to her he raped her in 2006, so she wants to break the deal record of six albums she has with Sony. 
The 28-year-old claims that he drugged her because he sought to rape her shortly after she turned eighteen, and for that the producer Dr. Luke was never criminally charged.
Sony has proposed her to work with another produces, but she fears that se won't be as heavily promoted because Dr. Like is one of their best hitmaker.
The Manhattan Supreme Court has refused to cancel her contract and she got out the court wrapped by a hundreds of fans that claimed "Free Kesha". She decided to not talk to reporters.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

Husband of missing woman jumps off of San Francisco bridge after giving television interview

Shelley Titchener, 57, has been missing since mid-February after leaving her Bay Area home.
Shelley Titchener, 57 years old
After giving an interview to a local television, the man of a missing woman seems to have comitted suicide jumping off the Bay Bridge just a few hours after the appearance.
Titchener had been named a person of interest in the investigation into his 57-year-old wife vanishing, and his death came two days after a macabre discovery 30 miles from his and his wife's home.  On Sunday a female torso was found near a bridge further south in the San Francisco Bay without arms or legs, according to police in Freemont.
The body hasn't been indentified yet but it is being investigated because of a possible link with the disappearance of the woman.


Resultado de imagen de camden marketThis weekend I went to London in a school trip and we visited a lot of nice places of the city, such as the legendary Camden Market.
We went there on saturday afternoon and we spent there like 5 hours because it's a really huge market which is divided in diferent parts, and visiting all of them was really long and intense as we were actually tired, but it didn't matter as it was so special that we forgot all of it.
Resultado de imagen de camden market vintageThe diversity of things that could be find on the market really surprised me a lot as you can find there all types of gifts and items to buy at really low prices (of course, negociating is a necessary thing). Besides, the market is located in a really nice street and in a beautiful neighborhood, which helped to make everything even more magical.
I also really loved the "vintage shops" and t
he thrift shops, as I actually LOVED the clothes and the items that these stores offered. At last, I think going there was really one of the best parts of the trip and I would totally go back there a hundred times again as it seems to be the typical place you feel you've never seen all of it.