martes, 1 de marzo de 2016


Resultado de imagen de save the worldThe more time passes, the more I start worrying about the state of the planet. Nowadays our society consum is so massive that since a few decades it has started being nocive to our planet, and even if everyone knows this is happening, a very few persones in this planet seems to have consideration about that.
The chaos of the planet and of everything that is currently going through our world is a fact that concerns me a lot as I think it's really dramatic to destroy the planet and to not do anything to try to stop it. However there's a lot of associations that try to stop this problem, a huge majority of the planet don't care and people is just continuing living with the same path lifes without changing anything for that problem to disappear.
I personally think we have arrived to a state where the destructions that have already been made up are irreversible and we will never restore plant as it used to be. This is very sad but (without the pretention of being a scientist) I think this is the simple truth: planet is falling down.
So a question comes to my mind, are the new generations being suficiently inculcated of what's happening to maybe in a future make radical changes? My opinion is NO, as young people, and I include myself in this pack, don't receive too much information about this topic. It's true we all know what's happening and we can't change things with just a day, but maybe our society is giving to the nowadays youth wrongs aspects to be focused on, as for example beauty or love, so therefore I consider young people should be more explained about earth's troubles because making a change is difficult, but not impossible.

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