domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015


This is the oral presentations that we created of Google. Hope you enjoy it! 


Dear Sonia,

I have to say that I'm very happy to start a new year (finally the last one) with you as a teacher and with all my classmates. For you to know me better I have decided to tell you about me and also about my dreams
Well, first of all, as you may know my name is Vincent and I'm 17 years old. I live in Empuriabrava, Catalonia, even if I'm from France.
I have a lot of dreams and they are actually very important for me, I just hope that maybe one of them could become real in the future.
My biggest dream is to be an actor. Since ever this dream has always been very present in my own. I wouldn't know how to explain you why I wanna be an actor, I guess I just love this world and to have a special job like this would be really perfect to me.
I still haven't done aything to try to make it real, and that's why I decided that next year, after finishing high school I will probably take a gap year in Paris to take classes and to see if it's really possible that one day I could be an actor.
That's it Sonia! Hope you liked my dream, if you have any advice, don't doubt, tell me!

Thanks for your attention :)


It seems that to Oscar Wilde, beauty and youth were the most important things in life, just like Lord Henry, a character of The portrait of Dorian Gray, and I think that it's not correct because for me there a lot of basic aspects of our life that are most important than being good looking and young, such as health or education, so I believe that with this philosophy, Wilde is being very superficial and materialist.
I also disagree with Wilde when he says that when you get older your beauty flies away, because sometimes older people can be as beautiful or more beautiful than people, but maybe in different ways. I do really conceive that even if old people are sometimes wrinkled they can also be very nice looking and charming.
In conclusion, I consider it is very sad that some people believe that youth and beauty are the only things that matters in life, because these kinds of beliefs have a huge influence and they can sometimes lead us to horrible cases, such as Dorian Gray situation, which is influenced by third parties, and they also help to create a superficial society, a fact that is very harmful to all types of people.

TED TALKS: Looks aren't everything

This Ted Talks is lead by Cameron Russell, which has been a model for almost 10 years. She starts saying that she thinks the appearance and image of a person is very powerful but above all, superficial and that, sadly, the exterior of a persona has a huge importance in life and it become more important than the inside.
She says the only reason she's a model is because she won at genetic lottery and she is a white and beautiful lady, which is called in the industry a sexy women.
She explains that in the last centuries beauty has been defined as a tall and slender figure with white skin, a fact that she has harnessed to "cash out on".
She explains that a study that was made in 2007 on a fashon show, showed that of 677 models that were present to parade, only 27 weren't white.
In her opinion, wanting to be a model is not healty and it shouldn't be considered as a carrer path. She also explains that almost all of the photographies are retouched and that they don't show reality, they are just construccions elaborated by professionals.
She goes on explaining a particular fact of being a model, the privileges she gets in her day to day, just for her beauty and for how she looks, and not for who she really is.
Finally, she ends by saying that although she is a model, she's very insecure, and that is had been very difficult to her to unpack a legacy of gender and racial opression as she's one of the biggest beneficiaries.


My favourite city is Paris. It's fantastic and I definitely love it. I've been there many times, but this summer I came back there cause my sister lived there, and I spent there 10 days, without my parents. That was when I realised that it is awesome, and totally appropriate to me. Teenagers have a different lifestyle wich I like very much, and Paris, although, it's the city of international fashion, cinema and music, and it contains a lot of cultures. The streets are not so clean, but they are so beautiful that the trash isn't the worse problem. 

I have the feeling that in Paris, people dresses like they want and they can be theirselves. I'd like living there, to make my university period and there, enjoy and let it be. 

Adele's 25 makes UK chart history with 800,000 album sales

Adele's new album is breaking all the records as it has sold over 800,000 copies in just one week,  the highest ever figure for a single UK chart week.
Adele - 25The album has shifted more copies than the others 86 albums in the charts reunited, and it has become the first album to sell over 100,000 copies in its first week of exploitation.
250.000 copies of the selling have been digital with the rest in CD.
Martin Talbot, the Official Charts company chief executive said that the stats that is generating the album are staggering, and that the raids of records will surely continue in the coming months.

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015


 Personally, I don’t accept the death penalty, as I really think that it is cruel. Of course the acts of the persons that are convicted can also be very cruel and awful, but maybe the punishment they deserve is not death, but to live for the rest of their life in poor conditions and coexisting with the shame of what they have done. As I said, this is a very delicate subject that needs an important knowledge of life to be treated, so that’s why my arguments are maybe not the best, but I really meant what I said, and I really hope one day this awful punishment I think nobody deserves can be abolished. 
The existence of the death penalty has always been a very complicated debate, which has always had an important presence in philosophical discussions for centuries. I think it’s important to think about it and to everything that goes behind of a decision like this, as I don’t think that deciding about the death penalty is an easy choice. I consider this issue needs to be treated delicately and with a completely open mind.


I love watching a lot of movies and this is one of my cherished hobbies. I love watching movies in English and with subtitles, as I think it's coolest to hear the real voices of the actors, and besides it also helps me to improve my english level.
Jodie Foster
Since I'm a child I've always been passionated about everything that surrounds the film industry. My tastes have of course changed during all this time, but the emotion that brings me the fact of watching a good movie has never changed for me, I always feel grateful at the end of a movie that has passionated me since the beggining to the end.
I've watched a lot of films in my life so I obviously don't remember all of them, but currently I can say that one of the movies that I've liked the most are "The silence of the lambs" and also "Seven", "Volver" and "Blue Jasmine", along with many others.
I don't know why but I have always prefered films that are lead by womens, and few of my favorite actresses are Jodie Foster, Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman, and Cate Blanchett.
I also enjoy George Clooney and Johnny Deep, which I think that are very good actors.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015


Just a few days ago, more exactly on November 20, Adele released her new album, called 25. It is her first music work after her break of almost 5 years in the music industry. The cause of this pause was that she was expecting her first child and also that she was starting to feel a litte bit tired about all this suddenly fame. I think it's important to remember that her second album, called 21 and released in 2011, had a huge succes, as it has sold more than 30 millions copies.
This new album has also been a massive hit, and it has broken a lot of records. In just 4 days, it had already sold more than 2 million copies.
Adele's 25 cover
Personally I'm an Adele huge fan, so I was obviously waiting for the release with a lot of expectation and raring. I directly felt in love with the first single, called Hello, which is currently dominating all the charts lists.
I bought the album a few days ago and I have to say that, for me, it is very close to perfection. Of course it's a metaphor, but I really think that this work is magnificient and it really worths the waiting.
I honestly love all the songs and I consider a positive point is that it has been created with a huge emotion and she really puts all of her in this album, as the songs are really personal.
Well, I really recommend it to everyone because a master piece like this needs to be heard at least once at life.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015


I've reached a very important age, since I'm studying second of Batxillerat and I'll have to take decisions very soon for my future, for example deciding what I'm going to study and where, either close to home, or maybe in a different country.
I personally think that it's not an easy time for any teenager, because it is actually not simple to, from one day to another, take decisions that are maybe going to determinate the rest of your life.
At this point of my life I have no idea of what I want to do and what I want to study. Of course I have some ideas, but maybe I'm not mature enough to really start thinking about my future.
I think that I'll just let me go at the last minute and that I will finally be able to take a decision, maybe not the best one, but deep down I'm very young and mistakes are accepted, mostly at this time of my life. My first decision will probably not be the righter one, but I'm sure that after seeing how I really am and after making mistakes, it will be very easy to realise in what I would be perfectly fitting in. 


I've created this post because I think it's important to talk about what has happened in Paris these few weeks.
The night of the November 23 a series of deadly shootings and suicide attacks were committed in the evening in Paris by three distinct commandos. These terrorist attacks were prepared and executed by the Islamic state, also know as Daesh.
These attacks stood at various sites of Paris, such as on the same street and in a nightclub called Bataclan, and these attacks killed 123 civilians.
Personally I think that what happened is totally awful and heartless, and I think that it's a shame that these attacks are possible to be realised in our society, because it proves that some people can be very evil and that nobody is sure of what can happen because deep down you never know what can go on around you.
Hopefully, this disaster didn't let humanity indifferent and I think a huge part of the population has realized how sad it is and that we all have to fight and to not be intimidated for that between us we can create a better world to live in peace and in a harmonious way.
I also consider that although these terrorists have attacked the society in the name of their religion, it's not the right thing to create amalgamations with the religion, because I think that these terrorists just represent a minority and that are not truelly carriers of the beliefs of people. 

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Hollywood's Diversity Problem Doesn't Get More Obvious Than This


The news talks about the fact that in the special issue of The Hollywood Reporter that is published every year and where they put forward some actresses who are possible candidates to receive awards for their work in tv and movies, there's no shortage of talented women of color. 
The news says that the lack of women of coulour was so palpable that the magazone had to publish it with an essay titled "Why Every Actress on The Hollywood Reporter Roundtable Cover Is White." Stephen Galloway, the executive director of THR, said that even for him, a white man, it was impossible to ignore that there wasn't any black actress. Gallaway thinks that this is appalling, but it just represents the awful truth, which is that this year there are no actresses belonging to a minority that are being nominated for an Oscar. 
Galloway gives the fault on Industry for not putting ahead many colored actresses, because he says the Academy and the magazine don't make films, they just recognize the work that the industry creates. 
An important quote has been given by Viola Davis, an Academy Award nominee, and she says you can win any award for work that doesn't exist.

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Lindsay Lohan Is Dead Serious About Running For President

Published on the Elite Daily, the news talks about the fact that Lindsay Lohan is serious when she says that she's running for president.
The famous trainwreck  announced her decision to run for prez via Instagram, and he seems to actually be pretty serious and not be kidding. 
Even if Lindsay's announcement was very unexpected, it wasn't surprising because that's what people like her does. But our lack of understanding is that lately she hasn't been on the focus of the attention and she hasn't acted in any movie in the past 5 years. The only thing that she has done these years is spending time in jail. 
With humour, the news ends with saying that a felony rap sheet limits one's ability to run for president but though she'd be better than Trump.

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015